The EB-1A I-140 petition package

The I-140 petition package is the file you must mail to USCIS so they take your application into consideration. This EB-1A package includes the I-140 form but it covers much more than that. In this article we will discuss the different parts of the I-140 petition so you can prepare your own do-it-yourself EB-1A application.

List of Documents included in EB-A I-140 package

Below is a list of the documents you may want to include in your petition package. Section A comes from the USCIS guidelines (check their up-to-date instructions here). Section B is the cover letter, which we discussed in detail on a different blog post.

List of Documents for I-140 for EB-1A

Forms and Fees for EB1A

You can find the forms in the official source from the respective government agency. For example, form I-140 can be found in the USCIS website and form ETA-9089 can be retrieved from the Department of Labor website, although you must include it in the I-140 package and you should not mail it to Labor.

You can consult the total amount of money you need to pay in Fees in the I-140 form website from USCIS. It currently costs $700 but it is expected to increase in the near future. You will also find information on payment methods (spoiler alert: you cannot use cash!).

Cover Letter for EB-1A

The cover letter is the central document in which you explain how you fulfill the requirements for this green card category. I already described the contents of the cover letter in a separate blog post, so you can just click on this link and read that article.

List of Exhibits

The Exhibits are the attachments to the I-140 petition cover letter. In the letter, you refer to your accomplishments but these must be established by providing evidence. This evidence will come in the form of documents such as university diplomas, copies of publications, recommendation letters, etc.

Use of cover pages to organize the package

The EB1A petition package can be quite lengthy and you want to make the USCIS officer’s life as easy as possible. Using cover pages to separate the different sections of you package can be helpful to provide more clarity to the government official. This is some information that the cover pages can include:

  • Petitioner name
  • “Petition EB-1A, Alien of Extraordinary Ability, INA §203(b)(1)(A)”
  • Description of what is below each cover, for example “Exhibit 2: Curriculum Vitae”.

You can make your own decision when it comes to deciding how many cover pages you should have. You may add them only between each big section or include them also between sub-sections. There are no guidelines on this, it is all about creating a document that is easy to read and follow.

If you want to see how I do it, you may download my sample EB-1A petition package!

Ready for your EB1A petition?

Save thousands of dollars on immigration attorneys by crafting your own documents. In this course I teach you all the requirements, how to meet them, and how to prepare everything for your I-140 application. It includes all the downloadable materials from my website so they can serve as reference!

How to assemble the EB1 petition package

The USCIS website has a few guidelines and tips on how to prepare a big paper-based petition like this one. My recommendation is to find a big surface at home, like a big table or even the floor, and print all the documents to start assembling the petition.

Place the documents of each section beneath the cover page for that section. 

Scan the final copy for your records

USCIS does not return petitions after their review, so I encourage you to scan your full petition package before mailing it. That way, you will retain a soft copy for your records so you can later better prepare for the Adjustment of Status or Consular interview, or in the event you receive a Request for Evidence (RFE).

Bind the pages using a 2-prong fastener

Most I-140 petitions for EB1A green card are really long, exceeding 100 pages. You cannot use paper clips (unless you want to lose half of the pages!). A very popular solution, that even USCIS recommends, is to use a 2-hope punch on the top of the pages, and secure them all using a prong fastener. These can be found in your local office store or bigger shopping centers such as Office Depot or Amazon.

Sticky notes for easy access to I-140 sections

USCIS also expects you to place sticky notes on the bottom of the EB1 petition package, marking the beginning of each section. That way, the officer will access the information they need in a record time. The picture below is an example of how an I-140 application is put together.


The I-140 package for EB-1A is a long file that includes multiple documents. The cover letter is the central piece, where all the arguments are made, and the evidence is provided as exhibits. The final application package should be assembled using 2-hole punch and fasteners, and sticky notes can be used to facilitate the job of the USCIS officer.

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8 thoughts on “The EB-1A I-140 petition package”

  1. Hola Oscar , para una peticion EB1 -A , que deberia marcar en lo que corresponde a Part-2: Petition Type.
    Soy un Software Developer con 20 años de experiencia en el campo de Desarrollo de Software, y estoy associado al Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru, durante mis años de experiencia he asumido el rol de Jefe de Equipo, supervisando el trabajo de los miembros de mi equipo , he evaluado su trabajo (their code) para estar seguro hayan trabajo apropiadamente y construido muchas soluciones para automatizacion de los procesos de las compañias.

    1. Hola Yuri! No doy atención personalizada por aquí, en mi curso explico cómo cubrir los formularios. Ten en cuenta que la categoría EB1 es bastante rigurosa con los criterios, por ejemplo estar asociado al Colegio no llega para cumplir con el requisito de membresías. Te lo digo para que evalúes tu perfil con calma y tomes la mejor decisión. Saludos

  2. Hi Oscar do we need to fill ETA 9089 for EB1-B application. If yes what different sections we need to fill?

  3. Hi Oscar!

    Could you help me? I need to know what is the personal documents that I need to send with my petition, like birth certificate.

  4. Release Date
    As we move toward an increasing electronic environment, we now scan and upload many documents into electronic database systems. If you are filing your form with a USCIS service center, we recommend that you do not:

    Hole punch, staple, paper clip, binder clip, or otherwise attach documents to one another.
    Include photos or documents smaller than 4×6 inches for evidentiary purposes. Provide photocopies of these items instead. The only exception is when we request a passport photo with the filing.
    Include anything that contains electronic chips and batteries (such as musical greeting cards) or any non-paper materials such as cassette tapes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, toys, action figures, or thumb drives. We will not accept these types of materials. However, we will accept photographs or photocopies of these items.
    Submit forms or evidence documents bound with a binding or spiral wire/plastic.
    Submit evidence using photo albums, scrapbooks, binders, or greeting cards.
    Fold documents.
    Place sticky notes on documents.
    From the above quoted from the USCIS website ,it says
    **do not Hole punch, staple, paper clip, binder clip, or otherwise attach documents to one another.
    ** Do not Place sticky notes on documents.

    But you showed us the hole punched one – How ?

    1. It is still common practice among self petitioners and lawyers, that’s why we have not updated this information (though we are well aware of the info you pasted here)

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